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Cost of Elderly Care at Home

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If you are a senior, you may be wondering about the cost of home care for the elderly. The average monthly cost for home health care in the United States is $43,385. This is much more than what it costs to rent a private room at a nursing home. But how do you pay for such a high-priced service? It's important to understand the costs involved, and your options. If you are eligible for Medicaid, which covers health care for 80 million low-income Americans, you may be able to get home health care for free. However, the waiting list for Medicaid can reach 800,000 people, and the average wait time is three years.

Average monthly costs for home health care in the United States are $4,385

Your health insurance may not cover your home health care, depending on the state. In most cases, Medicaid must be covered for home health care services. Medicaid coverage depends on the "functional necessity" of the person and the hours worked per week. If you have to receive care at home all the time, your cost for home health care services will rise dramatically. There are many options if you want to stay at home as long possible.

Medicare and Medicaid will cover most home care services. This includes physical, occupational, and medication administration. Medicare also pays for part-time home health care, but only if the services are deemed necessary and prescribed by a physician. Medicare will cover all home health care services provided by the same provider. Medicaid does not cover personal care assistance, companion care or other services.

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Assisted Living Communities are residential care facilities.

Assisted living communities offer residential care for the aged. There are many sizes available, with some housing fewer than 10 residents and others housing more than 100. Average facilities house 33 residents. National chains own and operate more than half of these facilities. Some communities offer basic health services while others provide care that is more specific to Alzheimer's and dementia. There are also units that can specialize in Parkinson's Disease, intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, as well as other medical conditions.

Services provided by assisted living communities include housekeeping services, meals, transportation, and physical therapy. These facilities employ licensed nurses, who are responsible for the care of the residents and conducting individual assessments. Staff is on-site twenty-four hours a day. Residents are encouraged to bring their own furniture and personal items to make their apartments feel like home. Some assisted living communities provide memory care services and special menus for those with nutritional needs.

Medicaid covers home care that is not medically necessary

Home health agencies provide one type of service: non-medical care. Medicaid covers this service in several states. The eligibility requirements and benefits will vary from one state or another. Some Medicaid programs will pay for elderly people's home health care. Others do not. For more information, please contact your county Department of Social Services. In order to see if Medicaid coverage will pay for non-medical home care services, fill out a Medicaid application.

Medicare, a Federal healthcare program, covers most Americans over 65. Some people may qualify for Medicare before age 65, based on their disability or because of age. Medicare will only cover in-home healthcare if the elderly person is unable to leave their home and is under the care of a physician. After 60 days of care, the Medicare program will reimburse home health services. Medicaid is a Federal-State joint medical assistance program.

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Medicare does not cover companion or personal care

Medicare does not provide companionship or personal care for the aged, but Medicaid does. The cost of this type of care can be very high. A Boston College study found that Medicare does in fact not cover all of the cost for companion care. Consider Medicaid instead. But, Medicaid does not cover all forms of personal care for the aged. This may mean that they must choose another method of payment if they cannot afford their current expenses.

Some Medicare benefits cover certain types of home healthcare, but some people do not want the expense. Consider hiring someone to take care of your elderly loved one. Make sure you get a list that includes the Medicare services. These services can range anywhere from a simple house cleaning to personal cooking. Some agencies offer companion and home healthcare services.


Cost of Elderly Care at Home